NYC 2022 | Day #2

Did someone ask for a human pyramid picture?

Photos courtesy of McKinley Wall, Melissa Williard

Wednesday was another long bus day — 555 miles on the road, bringing the trip total so far to 1,057 miles (plus the 127 miles it took to get from Winston-Salem to Roanoke)! No license plate games on the bus, but a fun twist on a classic crossing-state-lines activity: since the bus driver is not allowed to honk every time they cross over into a new state, everyone on the bus yells "Honk, honk!" at the state line. So far, the bus has crossed into West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, and Minnesota.

(There's also been some discussion about yelling "Swish, swish!" every time they cross a river and "Woop, woop!" every time they pass a wind turbine, but it doesn't sound like those have caught on ... yet.)

Photo courtesy of the Virlina Youth Facebook page

While the majority of the day was spent on the bus, our youth did get to enjoy a snack break / rest stop at Crystal Lake Park (where they took the human pyramid picture and played on the swings) as well as pizza for lunch in Bloomington, Indiana.

Photo courtesy of the Virlina Youth Facebook page

The group also enjoyed an afternoon rest stop at the Illiniwek Forest Preserve along the Mississippi River.

Photo courtesy of Kennedy Wall

Photo courtesy of Melissa Williard

We asked our trio a couple of the questions submitted by members of the Fraternity congregation via this Google form (which is still accepting questions, by the way — click the link to submit one!):

What are you most thankful for today?
Kennedy: I'm thankful that the weather is nice today.
McKinley: I'm thankful that the weather has been constant.
Melissa: I'm thankful that there was a good breeze at both of our stops today — 'cause yesterday it was HOT at the arboretum.

How many corn fields have you seen?
Answer: see photo below!

Photo courtesy of Melissa Williard ... that's a lot of "Woop, woops!"

The youth on the bus are getting to know each other through different activities, like a game where everyone with an aisle seat moves back one seat and then discusses a question with their new seat mate before switching again. Melissa ended up meeting the daughter of one of her Pilgrimage friends!

There has also been a lot of UNO at the back of the bus.

Photo courtesy of Melissa Williard

The buses arrived in Austin, Minnesota, last night where the youth had a late dinner (Qdoba) and stopped by Culver's for ice cream on their way back to the hotel. When in the Midwest ... !

Photo courtesy of Kennedy Wall

Looking ahead, Thursday's itinerary includes the Badlands and souvenir shopping / dinner at Wall Drug — located in WALL, South Dakota! Will we see photos of the Wall sisters with a Wall sign? Will anyone try a buffalo burger?

Keep checking back to find out — thanks for following along!
